"Would you like it if I spent rubbing balm selangkangmu?" Abu Nawas began to threaten. Then Abu Nawas expend considerable parcel. Of course, the monkey was feeling a little too hot and start-panic. "Well, may kugosokselangkangmu with balsam?" Monkey nodded. "Do you know what use this balm?" The monkey was still nodding. Abu Nawas finally issued a small package containing balsam heat. The monkey was kept nodding because animals are more afraid of the threat of his master than Abu Nawas. "Are you not afraid of the master?" Fishing Abu Nawas. "Are not you afraid of me?" The monkey was still nodding. Having nothing else to try,Ību Nawas forward. So as the day before, a lot of the audience could not bring the monkey shook his head. Now the audience who would like to try, should be able to make the monkey shook his head. In fact, he threatened to severely punish the monkey when it comes to be lured audience nodding mainly by Abu Nawas. The next day he wanted to make up for defeat. Remarkably angry monkey owner until he hit a poor animal. The success of Abu Nawas make monkey nods he received a gift of money. "If you remain silent then will I report to your lord." Continued Abu Nawas began to threaten. "Are you afraid of your master?" Said Abu Nawas fishing. But the monkey was still shaking his head. "Are not you afraid of me?" Said Abu Nawas again. "Do you know who I am?" Monkey shook his head. After dealing with the beast Abu Nawas asked, Seeing persistence monkey Abu Nawas more curious. They try different ways to make the monkey nodded, but in vain. Not surprisingly, many of the audience tried to come forward one by one. Because so many viewers who watched the show, the owner of the monkey is proud to offer a substantial reward for anyone who could make a monkey nodded. Now, Abu Nawas was in the middle of a crowd of spectators. She could not bear to witness the ingenuity and the magic of the giant beast. "Monkeys can understand human language, and even more amazing is that monkey would only be subject to the owner." Said Abu Nawas friend added. "Shows that involve roving magic monkey." "What do you mean by monkey magic?" Said Abu Nawas curious. "There was a crowd there what?" Said Abu Nawas. Abu Nawas asked a friend who happened to meet in the middle of the road. Langsung saja, bacalah artikel berikut :Ĭerita lucu abu nawas dalam bahasa inggrisĬerita lucu abu nawas dalam bahasa inggris - dapat anda baca secara lengkap dan jelas Cerita lucu abu nawas dalam bahasa inggris yang sangat menarik di bawah iniĪbu Nawas was walking leisurely. semoga dengan artikel Cerita lucu abu nawas dalam bahasa inggris yang telah saya tulis ini dapat membantu dan bermanfaat bagi anda. Halo Sobat " "kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Cerita lucu abu nawas dalam bahasa inggris yang sangat menarik untuk anda baca dan pelajari.